Etela Africa

Travel Technology, AI, Tourism, Bookings , Content
Leveraging the latest tech to promote Destination Africa
About Etela Africa

GPT technology backed AI assistant that will assist travellers, students, and entrepreneurs with finding useful information about Destination Africa, including travel planning, educational resources, and business opportunities. Additionally,  Etela Africa is to have an e-commerce channel where event tickets, service-related listings, branded merchandise, electronics, and accessories will be made available.

The Problem

The COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted the African tourism, hospitality and entertainment
industries; and these industries work hand-in-hand with each other. With an understanding that
these industries feed off each other, are interconnected and are interdependent in many cases;
the effects of the pandemic had catastrophic repercussions for the South African economy. The
evident result of these repercussions is widespread job losses, business closures (temporary and
permanent) and economic regression.

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), international tourist arrivals in Africa declined by 73% in 2020 compared to the previous year. This resulted in a loss of US$107 billion
in tourism revenue and 2.2 million jobs. The tourism sector is a vital part of the African economy, accounting for 7.1% of GDP and 24.6 million jobs in 2019. The pandemic has had a devastating impact on this sector, and it is expected to take several years to recover.

Key USPs

  • AI Virtual Assistant
  • Booking Engine
  • AI Content Engine